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In Forma, the idea behind editions is to have many separate issues of the same master course, with diffferent start/end date and subscription groups.

All the editions of a course will inherit and share some features from the Master course:

  • Course Menu
  • Course Materials
  • Logo and general configuration
  • Certificates

To create a course with editions, you can select the desired course type upon course creation.

Do not convert an existing elearning course to editions: it won't be possible to manage the original subscribers that weren't associated to anyu edition


Add and Manage Editions


Click on the "editions" column in course management to add and configure your editions

courses editions couselist


A list of the available editions will be displayed:


courses editions editionslist

Elearning Editions

You can use Elearning Editions to manage recurrend elearning or assessment courses requiring a start/end date and separate subscription

All the editions will share the same course materials, configuration and certifcate template.


Classroom Courses

Classroom courses extend the elearning courses with the ability so define for each edition:

  • diffferent dates and classroom schedule
  • locations
  • attendance



Dates Settings

First, in the edition configuration select on or multiple dates for the classroom lessons:

courses editions dates select

Then in following page you will be asked to set for eache date:

  • Lesson hours
  • Classroom Location



courses editions dates settings



Use the "attendance" feature to flag the student that were actuallly present at each lesson day:

courses editions attendance


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