Addition of a new user to a group

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Addition of a new user to a group

Post by kbb »

Hi everyone,

I have created a group of users. I use this group to easily subscribe all the users of this group to a set of trainings. I have recently added a new user to that group. I thought that as this user is part of the group, he should be automatically subscribed to the courses the group is assigned to. But it is not the case. I had to add the new user manually to each course. Maybe I did something wrong.

Do you have any solution?
Thank you
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Re: Addition of a new user to a group

Post by alfa24 »

Hi there,
some questions:
0) Forma LMS version and PHP version?
1) had the auto enroll policy ever worked before?
2) if yes at point 1) what changes did you make to the instance? (I'm referring to Forma version, in particular)
3) try to add a user to the auto-enrolling group and have a look to server error logs
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Re: Addition of a new user to a group

Post by max »

I suspect kbb is not aware of the self-enrolment policy. Are you aware of that feature?
Did you create a policy for automatic enrolment? Did you assign the policy to the group?

That is the way to go if you want to automate course enrolment.
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Addition of a new user to a group

Post by kbb »


I'm still discovering Forma and I was not aware of the self-enrollment policy. I have created a rule and assigned it to the group.

Happy to have learnt something new today!
Thx for your help
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