Course unavailable on home page

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Course unavailable on home page

Post by Shruti09 »

I have created a course and in the display option selected it to be displayed for all users and on the home page. However, on the home page of the LMS can't find the course. Why is the course not displayed on the home page. How to rectify that? Kindly help.
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Re: Course unavailable on home page

Post by max »

If you create a course, you normally are automatically enrolled to it as an administrator. Therefore you should see it on the home page.
Unless it was a "master" classroom course and you didn't create editions for that.
Other reasons might be that you left the course as "under construction" or "cancelled" or that you unenrolled from it.

Finally: selecting "display for all users" means that the course will be displayed in the course catalog (and on the my courses page for those already enrolled). The catalog has to be enabled, though.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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