Certificates of achievement or excellence

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Certificates of achievement or excellence

Post by jamesd »

Hi, I'm new to FormaLMS and new to this forum so please treat me gently; I've searched as much as I can before posting this.

We've installed and configured a copy of FormaLMS 2.3 and are really enjoying exploring it as part of a trial. That being said we've hit upon three issues. This one is related to assigning certificates.

In particular we'd like to issue a certificate of achievement to students that pass with less than 80% OR a certificate of (achievement with) excellence for those that pass with 80% or more.

Unfortunately we seem to get both certificates rather than just the one that's appropriate. We've configured FormaLMS as per the attachment.

What are we missing? Any ideas?
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Re: Certificates of achievement or excellence

Post by alfa24 »

I found several bugs related with the excellence achievement points.
Unfortunately different parts are affected (front-end mycertificate module, back-end Course model, back-end Certificate module) and moreover there's an old question that should be discussed, because excellence depends on it: we have to types of final scores for a course, one related to the final learning object score, the other related to the final vote.
When calculating if the excellence is reached, the system should know if the excellence is calculated versus the first or the second.
And this is what would happen in mycertificate module, but the variable that in the past was appointed for this, has been deprecated now, so the calculus will be always done against the final learning object score (what if there is more than one? Other bugs...).
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Version: forma.lms 2.4

Re: Certificates of achievement or excellence

Post by max »

What I can say is that this section has been overlooked for long, since none of our direct customers uses it. Most of the bugs are inherited by Docebo 4 CE (Forma originally had been forked from it).
I will describe these issues in our bugtracker, don't know when it's going to be possible to fix them.
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Certificates of achievement or excellence

Post by jamesd »

Okay. Thanks for the heads up.

I was assuming the calculation was correct and it correctly assign the excellence certificate. All I need it to do is NOT assign the achievement certificate if the excellence threshold is passed. If there are bugs and no evidence of use removing it might be better than leaving it broken. :(

Do you or anyone else in the community know if the bugs and associated UI relating to certificate assignment are fixed in 2.4 at all?
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Re: Certificates of achievement or excellence

Post by alfa24 »

As I said, nothing have been fixed in 2.4, because it's not just a code bug, but a workflow and structural one.
If you need further and dedicated assistance, feel free to contact me with a private message.
Depending on your wanted solution, if you understood my previous post, you'll need to change the behaviour of your LMS against the actual line of development. Differently, you'll have to wait the official developments and choices.
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Re: Certificates of achievement or excellence

Post by jamesd »

Okay. Thank you both. We'll think on it. Might be easier if we just drop the excellence certificate for now.
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