- FormaLms User
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:19 pm
- Version: Docebo CE 3.6
When I place the attendance on the menu, it is blank - how does the attendance module work? I can't find any documentation for it either.
Re: Attendance
Hi Joseph, are you using it in a Classroom type course?
I suggest to manage presence from backend...
I suggest to manage presence from backend...
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- FormaLms User
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:19 pm
- Version: Docebo CE 3.6
Re: Attendance
I could manage presence from the backend, but I still can't find how to set it up so that I can manage it?
Re: Attendance
Normally you should operate as follows:
1) create a classroom type course
2) create classrooms, with dates and times
3) subscribe users to classrooms
4) in show view of the classrooms list (URL example: your_web_root_url/appCore/index.php?r=alms/classroom/classroom&id_course=XXX where XXX is the course id) you should see the "presence" link
1) create a classroom type course
2) create classrooms, with dates and times
3) subscribe users to classrooms
4) in show view of the classrooms list (URL example: your_web_root_url/appCore/index.php?r=alms/classroom/classroom&id_course=XXX where XXX is the course id) you should see the "presence" link
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