TroubleShooting Help Needed - Session Expired

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TroubleShooting Help Needed - Session Expired

Post by charleschewyk »

I am trying out the version 2.3 FormaLMS. After installing and after removing the "session timeout" timing which was originally at "4000" so that there is no value within the textbox and saving for the settings; i was locked out and was never able to log back in again as administrator.

Everytime i logged in with the correct username and password, i continue to see a message that says "Session Expired" but i was never locked in.

I figured it could be that by removing the value of 4000 from the settings it became a Null value which time out immediately to end my session.

My efforts was unfruitful with the following:
Trying to edit the "config.php" under

1- $cfg['session_lenght'] = (4000); &
2- $cfg['keepalivetmo'] = '4000';

3- and checking in the database tables for "session timeouts"

Does not seem to have any impact to the problem.

Please advise me, how i can log myself in as an administrator in this situation where the problem stems from the "session timeout" settings being set to 0.
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Re: TroubleShooting Help Needed - Session Expired

Post by alfa24 »

in config.php:

$cfg['session_lenght'] = (120 * 60);

in core_setting table:

select * from core_setting where param_name = 'ttlSession';
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