Speaking activities

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Speaking activities

Post by hakangur »

In language teaching, 4 basic skills - reading, listening, writing, speaking - play the most important role. With FormaLMS, it is possible to design exercises for the first three of these skills. However, a voice-recording tools that supports HTML5 does not exist.

Chamilo comes with a purpose-built voice-recording tool, which is very functional and useful. There are 3 alternatives for this task in Moodle: (1) Poodll. This is a plugin with two versions. The Flash version is free (and already out of fashion), whereas the HTML5 version is not. (2) H5P. Voice-recording tool is HTML5-compatible, but the responses cannot be saved directly to the Moodle server - the student needs to upload the voice file to the server. (3) RecordRTC plugin for TinyMCE (or for Atto editor) (https://moodle.org/plugins/tinymce_recordrtc). This is the newest addition and so far the best solution.

In a typical Forma installation, the page editor is:
forma-editor.png (5.28 KiB) Viewed 8458 times
On a typical Moodle installation, the page editor is:
moodle-editor.png (3.85 KiB) Viewed 8458 times
The idea is simple. In a quiz, add an "Essay" question. When the student clicks the microphone sign (see the Moodle editor), his/her voice is recorded and automatically added to the text field. After the quiz is over, the teacher can listen to the response and provide the student with feedback. The plugin is HTML5-compatible and very easy to use.

In short, instead of spending valuable sources on building something complicated, the already-existing plugin for TinyMCE - specially designed for Moodle - can be adopted for FormaLMS.

Best regards.
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Re: Speaking activities

Post by alfa24 »

Hi, if you need this in your FORMA installation, contact me.
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Re: Speaking activities

Post by hakangur »

Hello again,

As this forum section is titled "Feedback and Suggestions", I simply wanted to make a suggestion to help improve FormaLMS. Therefore, the answer is "No, I do not need this in my Forma installation." As a matter of fact, I would like to see it in ALL Forma installations.

I hope someone still caring about open, free elearning software will grab this issue in future.

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Re: Speaking activities

Post by max »

Hi Hakangur, thanks for your precious contribution.

I think yours is an excellent idea and it should be quite simple to implement. Now we're in the process of releasing version 2.4 and this suggestion is too late to be included. I will try to include it in the next version 3.0 for early next spring.
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Speaking activities

Post by hakangur »

Hello Max,

I am very pleased to hear that.

Have a nice day.
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