Final Scores in Grade Book

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Final Scores in Grade Book

Post by pretheesh.j »


I the assessment page we have a tab for grade book. There we can see 3 set of scores(Test for this course, Student's scores and Evaluation summary) with assessment score and final score. What is the difference with these scores. Also what is the difference between assessment score and final score ?
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Re: Final Scores in Grade Book

Post by max »

actually those 3 tables are quite self-explanatory.

Tests for this course: list of the available tests (all possible tests are displayed); you can define their weight on the final score and even if you want to use each of them for the final score or not.

Students' scores: list of the scores achieved by each student in each test.

Summary: it's a summary :-)

Assessment score is the score achieved in a single test. Final score is the total score, calculated based on what you decided in the first section. It can be a sum, an average...
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