File Upload Size
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- Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:57 am
File Upload Size
While uploading documents(Documents Upload section) from course add/edit page, we have restrictions based on uploading file size. I have checked the code to generate the form fields and find out the below code was generating max upload file size label. Here, the code was fetching the max upload size values from PHP.INI file. But the code was not checking weather the values in MB or GB. Instead of that its directly labeling as 'Mb'.
public static function getFilefield( $label_name, $id, $name, $value = '', $alt_name = '', $other_after = '', $other_before = '', $other_afterbefore = '' ) {
if( $alt_name == '' ) $alt_name = strip_tags($label_name);
$p_size = intval(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$u_size = intval(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$max_kb = ( $p_size < $u_size ? $p_size : $u_size );
$other_after = ' (Max. '.$max_kb.' Mb) '.$other_after;
return Form::getLineFilefield( 'form_line_l', 'floating', $label_name, 'fileupload', $id, $name, $value, $alt_name, '', $other_after, $other_before, $other_afterbefore );
public static function getFilefield( $label_name, $id, $name, $value = '', $alt_name = '', $other_after = '', $other_before = '', $other_afterbefore = '' ) {
if( $alt_name == '' ) $alt_name = strip_tags($label_name);
$p_size = intval(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$u_size = intval(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$max_kb = ( $p_size < $u_size ? $p_size : $u_size );
$other_after = ' (Max. '.$max_kb.' Mb) '.$other_after;
return Form::getLineFilefield( 'form_line_l', 'floating', $label_name, 'fileupload', $id, $name, $value, $alt_name, '', $other_after, $other_before, $other_afterbefore );
Re: File Upload Size
in /lib/lib.form.php change:
Similar changes (not exactly the same) are needed in /appCore/modules/newsletter/newsletter.php and /appLms/modules/public_newsletter_admin/public_newsletter_admin.php but you should be able to do by yourself.
Code: Select all
$p_size = intval(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$u_size = intval(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$max_kb = ( $p_size < $u_size ? $p_size : $u_size );
$other_after = ' (Max. '.$max_kb.' Mb) '.$other_after;
Code: Select all
$p_size = ini_get('post_max_size');
$u_size = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
$p_unit = substr($p_size, -1);
$u_unit = substr($u_size, -1);
{$p_size = substr($p_size, 0, -1);}
{$u_size = substr($u_size, 0, -1);}
$p_size_normalized = $p_size;
switch(strtoupper($p_unit)) {
case 'G':
$p_size_normalized *= 1024;
case 'M':
$p_size_normalized *= 1024;
case 'K':
$p_size_normalized *= 1024;
$u_size_normalized = $u_size;
switch(strtoupper($u_unit)) {
case 'G':
$u_size_normalized *= 1024;
case 'M':
$u_size_normalized *= 1024;
case 'K':
$u_size_normalized *= 1024;
$max_kb = ( $p_size_normalized < $u_size_normalized ? $p_size : $u_size );
$unit = ( $p_size_normalized < $u_size_normalized ? $p_unit : $u_unit );
$other_after = ' (Max. '.$max_kb.' '.$unit.'b) '.$other_after;