The Elearning Community • Uploading Issues
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Uploading Issues

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:47 pm
by RPomerleau
Hi there,

I recently downloaded and installed Forma LMS v1.1 to a test server. I am having a few issues and they may be connected.

1. The first issue is that I am not able to upload any files to a course. I did check the white list under advanced settings and the documents types are listed there.

2. The other issue is when I select the Content Library, a blank page gets returned.

I suspect it may be a server side issue, but I cannot find any information on what settings to check. Any ideas on how to begin to troubleshoot this?

Re: Uploading Issues

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:07 pm
by alberto
Hi RPomerleau, welcome in the elearning community!

1: is the files folder writable? Also, make sure you have mime_content_type() support enabled in your php configuration.

2: are you upgrading from a previous version or is it a clean installation? Can you post your server configuration?

Re: Uploading Issues

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:35 pm
by RPomerleau
Thanks for the welcome Alberto.

1. I am not actually sure which folder I need to check, I think maybe /www/forma/files ? Right now chmod set to 755, which was the default after install.

The mime_content_type() setting is new to me, I'll have to look and see what I can learn about that, it is not in my php.ini. I will follow up when I find out more.

2. This is a clean installation. My basic server stats are Apache version 2.2.26, with PHP version 5.4.24 and MySQL version 5.5.36-log.

Re: Uploading Issues

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:32 am
by alberto
Set the files folder and subfolders permissions to 777 (the installation procedure gives this information), this will probably fix your issue.
The mime support should be natively fine in your PHP version, but in case you need also to configure it check here

let us know how it works! :)

Re: Uploading Issues

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:48 pm
by RPomerleau
Well I changed all the directories in /www/forma/files to 777 and I confirmed mime_content_type is on (the forma installer actually checks for this), and still the contents page is completely blank and I cannot seem to upload anything.

I am at a loss as to why this isnt working, my next step is to set up a WAMP server on my laptop and try the install there.

Re: Uploading Issues

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:03 pm
by alberto
Hi, your problem with the content library is due to a php5.4 compatibility issue, to fix it open the file html/appLms/admin/controllers/KbAlmsController.php, find this code:

Code: Select all

$this->model->getParentInfo($parent_id, & $array_comm, array('course_lo', 'communication', 'games'));
and change it to:

Code: Select all

$this->model->getParentInfo($parent_id, $array_comm, array('course_lo', 'communication', 'games'));
This fix will be included in next releases