Unable to upload documents

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Version: forma.lms 1.4

Unable to upload documents

Post by imjustsarah »


I have a newly installed version of forma.lms (1.4) and the system was initially configured to upload documents via FTP (all connections were good during install), but I am unable to upload any documents.

I found a post from 2012 about the same issue, but the systems menus have changed since then and I am not able to find the same settings.

Main > Configuration > Settings > Advanced

There isn't a File Uploads Whitelist, only File Uploads Path.

I also made sure that all of the folders listed in the paths actually exist on the web server.

Please advise.

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Version: forma.lms 2.4

Re: Unable to upload documents

Post by max »

whitelist.JPG (13.68 KiB) Viewed 1844 times
Hi Sarah, the whitelist is still there. Just scroll to the bottom of the page. Those menu have not changed so much, actually.

Since you mention not being able to upload anything, I am not sure it depends on the list of allowed extensions.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
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