Launching a SCORM course in a new window/tab

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Launching a SCORM course in a new window/tab

Post by Biscotti »

My company wants to move our LMS from Ubuntu 12.04 to Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit. I come from a Microsoft background and have only been working on open source software for the last 2 months or so. Our current setup opens a courses in a new window/tab using this code modification in the orglib.php (line 1279) file. I didn't modify the code. It was noted in the handover document.

Code: Select all

				$out .= ' <a target="_blank" '.( $arrData[1] == 'scormorg' ? ' rel=""' : '' ).' class="'.$classStyle.'" ' .
							'id="'.$this->id.'_'.$this->_getOpPlayItemId().'_'.$stack[$level]['folder']->id.'" ' .
							'name="'.$this->id.'['.$this->_getOpPlayItemId().']['.$stack[$level]['folder']->id.']" ' .
							'href="/forums.html?modname=organization&op=custom_playitem&edit=1&id_item='.$stack[$level]['folder']->id.'" ' .
							'title="'.$this->getFolderPrintName( $stack[$level]['folder']).'">'
								.$this->getFolderPrintName( $stack[$level]['folder']).
I have since installed Wampserver 2.2e on our Windows server and can launch course in the same window/tab as the LMS with success. When using the above mentioned code to open the course new window/tab the window opens but then nothing happens.

Any pointers would be highly appreciated.
Tanks in advance.
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Re: Launching a SCORM course in a new window/tab

Post by max »

welcome to the community.
One thing is not clear from your post: what LMS are you using? Docebo 4xx, FormaLms... ?

Anyway: we do not recommend modifying the code if you're not sure what you're doing.

I'm not a developer, so while we wait for the colleague developers to intervene, let me point out some concepts:

When you say that your modification opens the course in a new tab what do you mean? A "Course" is simply a "container" with several functions attached, it can include training material, i.e. "Learning Objects". Maybe you are referring to SCORM learning objects that you want to open in a new tab?

If that's the case, rather than modifying the code in the LMS, I'd rather set the "launch in a new window" option in the publishing options of your SCORM course.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it

Re: Launching a SCORM course in a new window/tab

Post by Biscotti »


Thanks for the response. I will make sure our content developers knows about the "launch in new window" function for future development.

We are using the FormalLMS and yes I am referring to a SCORM learning object. The only problem with the "launch in new window" function is that we are using content developed for our new client by SkillSoft. The are looking at replacing SumTotal as an LMS.
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Re: Launching a SCORM course in a new window/tab

Post by max »

Hi, thanks for clarifying.

As I said, normally "launch in a new window" is an option set in the course options, be it something produced by your content developers or by Skillsoft, not in the LMS.

Anyway, you're right: if your modification did work before there must be something interfering with it once you moved your Lms to the new server.
Let's see if some colleague can help you
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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