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Extend Forma LMS with new features and integrations 
developed by trusted partners and companies

Displaying items by tag: learning objects

H5P is an open source external application for creating rich, interactive and multimedia HTML5 content.

There are already many types of content that you can use such as interactive videos, presentations, hotspots and image galleries.

Important: as of today H5P DOES NOT publish scorms, but only interactive contents. If scorm tracking is important to you, this plugin will not replace traditional courses created with Scorm editors.

In this way Forma becomes a Learning Content Management System, i.e. a learning management system enriched by an integrated content creation system, making your favorite LMS even more powerful and performing.


 download available for company members only

This forma.lms plugin allows to load an XAPI compliant LO into forma.lms or define an external XAPI LO, execute it from forma.lms and collect tracking data in a LRS (Learning Record Store) and in forma.lms (scorm compliant format). The tracking needs an external public or private LRS.
The plugin allows to:

  • upload and store an xAPI object into forma.lms,
  • play in forma.lms the Learning Object sending the tracking to a LRS (public available),
  • retrieve in real time or batch (CRON controlled) mode from the LO the tracking from the LRS to store into forma.lms as SCORM compliant tracking.

The real time retrieving method can be used with a LRS that implements web hooks.

Product features

Platform: forma.lms

Version: 2.0 or higher

Technology: PHP

License: commercial

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a widely accepted standard for integrating external learning tools with Learning Management Systems (LMS).

This plugin add the possibility to import in Forma LMS learning materials provided by external learning providers (LTI Consumer)

Compliant with LTI 1.3



Note: download available for company members only

This forma.lms plugin allows to assign an “openbadge” to a user when he / she has completed / passed a course. There is a page (similar to certificates) that lists the badges acquired.

The badge can be exported from forma.lms and uploaded to an openbadge “wallet” such as Mozilla BackPack (https://backpack.openbadges.org).

Main features:

  • In administration, it is possible to upload badges (PNG templates), assign them to courses and define release rules (as for certificates);
  • a badge is issued to a user at the conclusion / passing of the exam;
  • the user displays his badges in a dedicated page (together / similar to that of the certificates);
  • the user can export his badges to upload them to a wallet.

The plugin is able to respond to certification verification requests sent by a wallet.

Product features

Platform: forma.lms

Version: 2.0

Technology: PHP

License: commercial


The forma.lms plugin “report interactions” is a specific feature to obtain reports on the SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) executed by the student. The user with appropriate permissions can view the SCORM execution data in a table, by selecting SCORM, users and data to be displayed.

This type of report is added to the specific forma.lms section. Once this type is selected, a guided procedure will allow you to configure the report according to your needs and run it, export it and view it as one of the reports already present in the system.

Product features




 2.0 or higher







Extend forma.lms with a new type of test with auto / etero evaluation, graphs, response with scale of…

The plugin for forma.lms “training portfolio” is a specific feature to manage the training Portfolio (Individual training) of users through an approval process.

Each user can view their own portfolio by going to the LMS individual training section.

In its advanced version the users can also think of an approval process for the data entered by users with the role of manager / supervisor.

Users delegated to approve these requests and to monitor the situation can carry out their functions by accessing the sections FI Management and Global FI.

Product features

Platform: forma.lms
Version: 2.0 or higher
Technology: PHP
License: Commercial


The forma.lms  Video Playlist plugin allows a teacher to directly define as a SCORM compliant Learning object a video uploaded directly in the system or available on an external streaming server.

streaming services available:

  • upload and stream from platform (direct url) mp4 video
  • direct url on external server video mp4
  • streaming from YouTube
  • streaming from BrightCove
  • streaming from Vimeo

Other streaming services can be added by specific request.

When a student uses streaming video through a platform player, the video viewing time and the viewing point are traced; at the end of the display (100% visualization) the learning object is placed in “Completed” status.
When the video is suspended, the Video Playlist starts the display from the point at which the vision was suspended.
If the streaming service allows it, the fast forward display is inhibited.
Implements tracking in standard scorm of use; the fruition sessions and the fruition status can be visualized by a teacher / administrator in the various reports / statistics / grid objects users with the data of the other SCORM objects.
With forma.lms Video Playlist plug-in is also available the “Track Presence” add-on (sold separately), that allows to periodically check the presence of the student.
The check period is customizable by the course’s Admin.

Product features

Platform: forma.lms

Version: 2.3 or higher

Technology: PHP 5.6 or higher

License: Commercial


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