The Elearning Community • HTML Learning Objects in a course
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HTML Learning Objects in a course

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:40 pm
by aphlat
How can I create HTML learning objects which will go to the next HTML Learning object in the course?
They only have a <<--Back link.
Would like a Next-->> link to the next HTML learning object.


Re: HTML Learning Objects in a course

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:02 pm
by max
Hi Todd,

welcome to the forum!

The <<- Back button actually doesn't take you to the previous LO, it takes you back to the list of materials.

What we are actually planning to do for next versions is to have a page for the list of LO, with a "youtube-like" box in the middle and a list of the other LO's below it. The list would be browsable back and forward, so that you can go to the LO you wish to see without going back to a tree-like list.

Of course, if we quickly get a paid project to do that it, things will be fast, while doing it on our own investment would take much more time. It is in our roadmap, but not in the next few months.

Re: HTML Learning Objects in a course

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:40 am
by aphlat
Hello Max,

Thanks for the welcome.

I've found a temporary workaround which is simply to create a URL link as "Next-->"
https://{your FormaLMS URL}/appLms/index.php?modname=organization&op=custom_playitem&id_item=2
(Or whatever that item number may be)

max wrote: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:02 pm Hi Todd,

welcome to the forum!

The <<- Back button actually doesn't take you to the previous LO, it takes you back to the list of materials.

What we are actually planning to do for next versions is to have a page for the list of LO, with a "youtube-like" box in the middle and a list of the other LO's below it. The list would be browsable back and forward, so that you can go to the LO you wish to see without going back to a tree-like list.

Of course, if we quickly get a paid project to do that it, things will be fast, while doing it on our own investment would take much more time. It is in our roadmap, but not in the next few months.

Re: HTML Learning Objects in a course

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:33 am
by max
Yes, it's a good idea. It's a trick I sometimes use to make users go to a specific menu item (forum, announcements, etc..). Not ideal, but functional