The Elearning Community • Need help with code or settings
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Need help with code or settings

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:34 am
by simplichat
Dear All,

I am new to Forma and its community.

I need to know how to restrict course access to subscribed user after a certain period.

Assume the Course ABC has been created and intention is to provide access to only 50days from the date of subscription for anyone who has subscribed for this course. Can pls someone guide how to go about it?

Or is there any admin settings available?

[email protected]

Re: Need help with code or settings

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:46 am
by max
When you create a course (or when you edit one) go to


set "50". That means that users will only be able to attend that course for 50 days after their first access.