The Elearning Community • configure email on upload of new material
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configure email on upload of new material

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:30 am
by sachintholia
Where can i configure email setting, that on every upload or new material in course, students of that course are informed via email

Re: configure email on upload of new material

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:23 am
by max
Hi Sachintholia,

all the events have to be configured under Administration>main>configuration>event manager

However, that event is not in the list... There was something similar, if I am not wrong, in the old Docebo 3x but it was a long time ago.
You can use the announcements for that.

Re: configure email on upload of new material

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:21 am
by sachintholia
Hello Max,
I am doing this with announcement, but as this is a LMS , it should be an automatic event, each time if i have to you announcement, then it defeats the purpose.

This is an important event and should be there in the list, I would request you that we should bring this in coming update.

Is there a way that some non listed events can be configured ?

Re: configure email on upload of new material

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:12 am
by max
Hi Sachin,
ok, we'll think about it.

Events cannot be "created" via the Lms interface, you need to write code to add a new event.

Re: configure email on upload of new material

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:50 pm
by alberto
Hi Sachin, using the anouncement is a good practice anyway, since this way you can explain why you are adding the new material, what is it and so on... things that can't be done with automatic notifications. I guess this is the main reason why nobody else asked for this feature yet.

At the moment we are working on other major improvements, so I'm not sure this feature cwill be added in the next release.
However, if you need it for your project and can't wait for some new release you can consider sponsoring it and contact some of the project partners for a quotation.