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Course Price

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:08 am
by ausrob
I have two problems...

1. setup a course for $495 with Advance Payment of 100% (I tried 100 and 100%):
the course shows as $495, but when I goto cart checkout, the price shows as 100 (no $ sign)

2. at the cart check out the column label shows "course prize" (not "course price"),
and Ive looked for a label but cannot find one.

Could someone please advise,
Thank You in advance,

Re: Course Price

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:09 am
by max
Hi Rob,

1. You don't need to set up anything as Advance Payment, if you're asking for 100%. Just leave that field blank.
$ sign: have you configured the currency under administration>......>e-commerce?

2. you're right, there's a lot of missing translation keys that will be added to Forma's next release. In the meanwhile, adding labels is fairly easy.
Just insert the ones I am uploading: course_prize is among them.
missing translations.docx
(39.25 KiB) Downloaded 264 times

(We're sorry for the terrible English in several translation key names, but we inherited that....)

Re: Course Price

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:47 am
by ausrob
Many thanks Max - keep sharing the knowledge
con cordiali saluti