Launching SCORM files from another server

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Launching SCORM files from another server

Post by xenothan »


We have a requirement whereby the SCORM files from the LMS need to be run from a local server. Can anyone point us in the right direction on how we can achieve this.

We are replicating the contents of the /files/ directory to the local server, so ideally we just need to run the scorm contents from that location when the user plays a module.

I have looked at the /appLMS/modules/scorm/soaplms.php file and have found where it launches the scorm file, but am still nor able to change this.

Your help will be greatly appreciated!
Xenothan Hojem
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Re: Launching SCORM files from another server

Post by murat »

You can solve your problem by editing the file(imsmanifest.xml).
after, you can upload only imsmanifest.xml with zip format.

normal imsmanifest.xml:

Code: Select all

<resource identifier="resource_1" type="webcontent" adlcp:scormType="sco" href="shared/launchpage.html">
      <file href="Etiquette/Course.html"/>
      <file href="Etiquette/course.jpg"/>
      <file href="Etiquette/Distracting.html"/>
after change;

Code: Select all

<resource identifier="resource_1" type="webcontent" adlcp:scormType="sco" href="http://yourserver/shared/launchpage.html">
      <file href="http://yourserver/Etiquette/Course.html"/>
      <file href="http://yourserver/Etiquette/course.jpg"/>
      <file href="vEtiquette/Distracting.html"/>
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Re: Launching SCORM files from another server

Post by CisterNino »

indeed I am not so sure that your solution can work, because of the "cross domani" problem. Namely, your solution starts a course from a domain and the course try to talk with an LMS that resides on a different domain. This is not allowed. There are different solutions for this issue.
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Re: Launching SCORM files from another server

Post by dhall »

I realize I'm a bit late to this conversation...
After AICC, all versions of SCORM lost the ability to run courses from domain A when the LMS was running in domain B.
If you cannot run a course form a remote domain in SCORM, that is correct. It's in the design of SCORM unless you have a custom SCORM player built.

xAPI corrects this issue, but it is a whole new scenario/scheme.

Having said this, I was (a couple years back) planning to create a xAPI plugin for Forma, however, I had stopped work for financial reasons.

If anyone is interested in having this Forma plugin, please reach out to me.
Unfortunately, the plugin will not be available as open-source unless I receive full development financing form an interested party.

Finally, maybe someone here has already developed this?

If anyone has developed a XAPI plugin for Forma, please do let us know.
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Re: Launching SCORM files from another server

Post by xenothan »

Hi Guys

Just an update on the above.

I used a combination of a SCORM html wrapper on the other server, javascript library called porthole and a custom api.

If the SCORM is located on another server (I check this in the scorm module), then we call the scorm wrapper (passing values to it) from the other server to play the course. then using Porthole, we pass data between the wrapper and the LMS server, and use the custom API to write the scorm results to the database directly.

It is a dirty fix, but it works, no cross domain issues, this allows us to deploy content to local servers at multiple locations, but have the LMS central.

I am happy to share more if anyone is interested, just PM me for details.
Xenothan Hojem
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Re: Launching SCORM files from another server

Post by alberto »

Thanks for sharing xenothan :)
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