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Together towards Forma 5!

Take part in this exciting enterprise and help Forma 5 see the light as soon as possible!

In November we presented our first prototype of Forma 5, a profound rethinking of the general use logic of the platform that has the purpose of making the latter more modern, flexible and user-friendly.

Preparing the platform for this quantum leap, we are now working on an extensive code refactoring, together with a substantial functional revision aimed at a more efficient feature architecture: we are removing obsolete features, improving some others, and refactoring some redundant features.

Since 2013 thousands of Forma adopters have been benefitting of the open source model, saving money and building businesses on it, making Forma an important asset for their company services and products.
Now Forma needs your support, take responsibility and participate in this challenging plan: this is a call to arms!

Where will the resources come from?

As explained at the Forma Experience, we’ve estimated that the overall cost of Forma 5’s development will be around 90K. These resources will come from:

  • Partners’ investments (40%)
  • Forma Associations’ membership fees (10%)
  • Crowdfunding & Sponsorship (50%)

Choose how to do your part!

Besides paying your Forma Association’s annual fee, there are three main ways in which you might give your contribution to the Forma 5 project:

  • Donating to our crowdfunding: we remind you that donations are deductible at 30%, up to 10% of the total income
  • Sponsoring directly one of our partner companies: in this case with invoicing for the chosen amount
  • Participating in activities such as: development, testing, documentation.

The Crowdfunding

The crowdfunding is actually the fastest and easiest way to take part in the project to support development costs and speed up the release, respecting the "Free Open Source" model that we have embraced.




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