Login Form

Slide 2


"from so simple a beginning
endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful
have been, and are being, evolved"

C. Darwin



Forma LMS 4.0.9

This is the latest stable release, only available to Association Members and Contributors.
Read below the detailed list of changes and improvements



Log-in as a member or contributor to download


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Forma LMS 3.3.24

Public stable release, available for everyone to download.
Become a member to get the latest release and benefit of lots of new features and improvements





Forma LMS 3.3.15

New maintenance release for the community version, including several fixes and a minor API improvement

- # - Fix user stats
- # - fix form replace
- # - fix upgrade communication and category menu
- # - fix require question type files with forma::inc
- # - fix dashboard middle area user
- # - add reset_field_if_not_set,use_default_password,default_password in iotask docebouser connector config
- # - add orgchart management in update user api
- # - add orgchart management in update user api
- # - fix custom field check when user insert 0 as value
- # - fix all require once for lib_profile.php
- # - fix custom field check when user insert 0 as value
- # - fix query for field show when textentry is numeric when fields filter is active
- # - fix 0 in session
- # - fix ssl encryption
- # - fix field show when textentry is numeric
- # - Fix dashboard next courses block
- # - fix 3.3.8 add index query to solve if index exists

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