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"from so simple a beginning
endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful
have been, and are being, evolved"

C. Darwin



Forma LMS 4.0.9

This is the latest stable release, only available to Association Members and Contributors.
Read below the detailed list of changes and improvements



Log-in as a member or contributor to download


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Forma LMS 3.3.24

Public stable release, available for everyone to download.
Become a member to get the latest release and benefit of lots of new features and improvements





Forma LMS 3.3.9

This is a maintenance release including some minor bugs fixing and code improvements.

- fix getUsersFieldEntryData in lib.field.php for Country custom field
- #20153: fixed http protocol setting
- #20152: managed "Cancel" button
- fix lang
- fix performance exception
- fix test update modality
- Fix require path with static /../ in string.
- create 3.3.8 to insert in install ad upgrade lost query index
- Fix send Alert in subscription
- functions refactor
- fix question bank
- fix forma table rows when text is HTML
- add translation in folder view learning object status and action
- add color management in dashboardblock attendancegraph
- fix api deleteDay
- fix api updateDay
- fix upgrade sql
- #20146: added missing SQL instructions
- fix purchase user logic
- first commit for versioning
- fix course report duplicates
- fix remove dates
- fix certificate image
- fix certificate image
- fix registration with code
- fix dashboard permission

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