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"from so simple a beginning
endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful
have been, and are being, evolved"

C. Darwin



Forma LMS 4.0.9

This is the latest stable release, only available to Association Members and Contributors.
Read below the detailed list of changes and improvements



Log-in as a member or contributor to download


Free Download


Forma LMS 3.3.24

Public stable release, available for everyone to download.
Become a member to get the latest release and benefit of lots of new features and improvements





Forma LMS 3.3.3

A new release Forma LMS 3.3.3 is available for download. This  is a maintenance release including many fixes and preparing DB for the migration to the upcoming Forma 4



- # - fix mysql 5.6 query issue in 3.3.0 upgrader query
- # - fix PluginManagerAdm warnings
- # - fix grid object count
- # - fix io task import user send email
- # - fix forum ticket 14334
- # - fix elearning icon size
- # - add function twigmanager - fix plugin session management
- # - FE build
- # - replace http to https in skebby gateway
- # - fix course stats ajax url
- # - various fix on dashboard blocks
- # - fix language and attachment link report
- # - fix dashboard block calendar enabling actions
- # - fix order posflat on building multilevel object stats tree using dynamic id based on table
- # - fix warnings - fix function static
- # - fix messages
- # - fix load template from plugins
- # - fix treeview teache area query string too long
- # - fix order posflat on building multilevel object stats tree
- # - fix custom field translation
- # - fix session lenght
- # - fix custom field visualization in report
- # - fix catalogue course access control
- # - fix cron report

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