The Evolution of Skills… The Watchword: Training!

By Valeria Ulloa Severino (Grifo Multimedia srl)

In the past few years, also due to the Covid emergency, the need for an evolution of skills and work processes has been accelerated and has become more pervasive.

Innovation comes through digital transformation, that is from the adoption of a digital mindset capable of encouraging the adoption of new practices as well as the acquisition of new skills .

The Evolution of Skills… The Watchword: Training!

 As reported in the dossier "The work of the future" published by Sole 24 Ore and edited by Luca de Biase, " innovation and the acceleration of the adaptation of new working and educational systems is no longer an option, but a necessity" .

“The problem is that we don't always invest enough in humans and their training so that they know how to create, distribute and use technology to fully express their humanity.”

The acceleration of the adaptation of training systems emerges as the first of the topics necessary to address the topic of work planning in the future. In fact, technology has moved faster than culture in recent times. Hence, the need for large and small companies to invest in the culture of training with a special attention to Digital Transformation. The challenges to support companies' competitiveness in times of changing innovation concern not only the acquisition of technical skills in themselves, but the acquisition of transversal and system skills, capable of encouraging upskilling and reskilling of human resources .

 As reported by Forbes in a research on the evolution of the labor market by GP Strategies and Future Workplace , the main challenges in the training sector concern:

  • Building the culture of lifelong learning ;
  • Improving the skills of training managers ;
  • Planning strategies to innovate training ;
  • Transforming and increasing learning capabilities ;
  • Measuring learning ;
  • Redesigning Virtual Face to Face Training .

These challenges call for a rethinking of models, tools and centrality of training to ride the wave of the ongoing digital transformation , and foster a "culture of learning ."

Gamification as a new paradigm for engagement and empowerment

As Grifo Multimedia we deal with facilitating and managing the training of human resources, supporting large and small companies in their training path.

Very often, the training conveyed through the canonical and most widespread Learning Management System (LMS) platforms is reduced to being a succession of slides or monologues without feedback from the teachers, with the result of poor participation and learning on the part of the users, and of a counterproductive illusion of innovation for companies.

However, multimedia dissemination and use platforms offer various opportunities to make a training path effective and engaging, with excellent results in terms of learning by users and in terms of innovation for companies.

For years we have been working and developing multimedia training courses based on Gamification with our customers with the aim of promoting the engagement and empowerment of the people involved and of making training a moment of participatory and conscious growth.

In our portfolio you will find the main works carried out for our client companies.

If you want to interact with us to explain your needs and understand how Grifo Multimedia srl ​​can accompany you on a path of innovation, do not hesitate to contact us; we will be happy to identify your needs and build an innovation path together, also taking advantage of the resources made available by the PNRR and the Interprofessional funds to finance the development of your business and your human resources.

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