Have you ever considered integrating Forma LMS with a videoconferencing tool?
We imagine you have, especially in a time of pandemics and endless meetings, which often replace classroom lectures, as well as traditional meetings or webinars.
However, what does it mean to integrate? What tools can be integrated? And how much does the integration cost?
What are the Key Benefits?
Integrating two applications means, at least, to be able to enter Single Sign On (in other words: without having to re-enter your username and password) from Forma into the videoconferencing application.
Direct access means that all the users you have on Forma Lms will be able to directly access the videoconference , without you having to deal with the laborious activity of registering users for an event (entering name and e-mail address) and without the users having to register or choose login credentials, or remember a link.
It can also mean integrating reports (access to videoconferencing can also be found on the platform) or some administrative functions (creating meetings, inviting people directly from Forma, sending reminders). Forma makes available on the platform the reports taken directly from the reporting of the videoconferencing system you use: the report can be viewed on the platform or downloaded in Excel.
With such an integration, you can create webinars with a single click and subscribe users directly from Forma, also sending the appropriate notifications and knowing - directly from Forma - how many and which users are subscribed.
It is also possible to grant users the ability to sign up on their own.
Some videoconferencing applications give you the possibility of having multiple accounts or licenses: thanks to the architecture we have designed, you can manage all your accounts from Forma Lms.
All the meetings you set up on Forma will be automatically replicated in your videoconference account as well.
Finally, when using these applications, it may be useful to make the video recording of an event available on the platform "on demand".
In general, integrating Forma with a videoconference means above all improving the experience for end users and facilitating management for administrators.
Having all your asynchronous or synchronous tools and contents in the same application is certainly a great convenience.
Integration with GOTOWEBINAR
GoToWebinar is one of the most popular webinar services. These are its main features:
Event management
View each webinar and easily adjust its settings.
Flexible scheduling
Organize a single live event, a series of sessions or an on-demand webinar experience.
Webinar templates
Save steps by reusing previous webinar settings for new events.
If you have GoToWebinar and want to buy our integration, click here.
Integration with SKYMEETING
A complete suite of multimedia and interactive features to manage video conferences, training courses and webinars up to 1,000 simultaneous participants on a single cloud platform. Among the features that customers most appreciate we find the fact that it is browser-based, and that, in general, even with the basic license Skymeeting offers features (branding, web app sharing, breakout rooms, participant reports optimized for funded projects) that others only provide with very expensive licenses.
If you have Skymeeting and want to buy our integration, click here.